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Query all datasets and jobs

Returns one or more datasets and jobs of your query.

Query Parameters
    q string required
    filter string
    sort string
    limit integer

    Default value: 100

    The number of results to return from offset.

    namespace string

    Possible values: <= 1024 characters

    Match jobs or datasets within the given namespace.

    before string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression YYYY-MM-DD

    Match jobs or datasets before YYYY-MM-DD.

    after string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression YYYY-MM-DD

    Match jobs or datasets after YYYY-MM-DD.



    totalCount integer

    Total number of search results.

    results object[]
  • Array [
  • type SearchResultType

    Possible values: [DATASET, JOB]

    The type of search result.


    The name of the dataset or job.


    An ISO-8601 timestamp representing the date/time the dataset or job was updated.

    namespace string

    The namespace of the dataset or job.

    nodeId string

    The ID of the node. A node can either be a dataset node or a job node. The format of nodeId for dataset is dataset:<namespace_of_dataset>:<name_of_the_dataset> and for job is job:<namespace_of_the_job>:<name_of_the_job>.

  • ]